Development Running Unifi controller on K8s In my quest to get everything that was previously running in Docker on my Synology to (micro)K8s, I now want to run my Unifi controller on it. Of cours
Development Upgrading my K8s cluster from 1.19 to 1.20 Somehow I installed 1.19 as my MicroK8s cluster version. Of course I want 1.20. This should be easy because of the version skew support [https://kuberne
kubernetes Using Synology NFS persistent volume for my K8s hosted SonarQube I'm already running SonarQube on K8s [/sonarqube-on-my-microk8s-setup/]. But I took a shortcut there using hostpath persistent storage. So the pod must
Development Cloning VMs in EXSi 7.x without vCenter Since I'm not running vCenter in my 2 ESXi 7.x node homelab, I'm missing out on some features. Actually the only one I really miss the ability to clone
Development Easy way to get a self signed openssl certificate in ESXi I'm running two ESXi servers but I'm not using vCenter because I find it to be too resource intensive. And to run my K8s host VM's I don't really need i
Development SonarQube analysis fails on K8s setup After getting SonarQube up and running [/sonarqube-on-my-microk8s-setup/] on my K8s setup, I started moving my project analysis to that setup. To find o
Development SonarQube on my MicroK8s setup Next up in my migration to K8s is SonarQube. SonarQube needs persistent storage so the first thing to enable is the storage add-on in MicroK8s: sudo mi
Development MS Sql server on K8s for my github runner My Github runner [/migrating-from-synology-docker-to-k8s/] is running only unittests right now. But I also have a test set that are sort of integration
Development MicroK8s observability in Lens So, I'm running a three node MicroK8s cluster and I am migrating my containers running on my Synology to it. I am already running my github runners [/mi
kubernetes Migrating from Synology Docker to K8s I've been using the ability to run containers with the docker functionality on my Synology for some time now. I've upgraded the memory to 8Gb just to be
Development Fix for TKG UI installer blank screen The other day I was trying to install a Kubernetes cluster using the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG). But I ran into a problem that I cannot find anywhere d